Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sword Umbrella.

The fun would never end!! I'd take it everywhere with me. I thought awhile ago that dragging an actual sabre around with me would be super cool, unfortunately its also illegal, but these might be the loop-hole I've been searching for. Also - a gal never knows when she's going to come face to face with one of these:

 and everyone knows that these ones require some slick ninja evasive techniques and, all I can think is that a sword umbrella would be just the ticket.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dress of the Day 29 June, 2010.

It's a jungle out there... armour is everything.

Charlotte Olympia

Charlotte Olympia - online store coming soon. WEDGES and the GOLD ONES!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Gareth Pugh Helmet

I literally just cried... A little something to raise the stakes whilst doing the groceries, methinks.

Saturday, June 26, 2010



Friday, June 25, 2010

Fairy Floss Hair.

Awwww!!! Via Tobacco and Leather. Photography by Laura Villa Baroncelli & Manuele Geromini for Wu Magazine. Yum!


The majority of these have been lovingly attached to my wall for years. I've had to gently remove them when I moved house and pin them to the new 'look-book' upon arrival. Perfectly vapid, a great cover sends me into paroxysms of delight and a 'so-so' cover elicits an emotional dip that rivals a tiff with your best mate. In short - the cover is everything. Afterall - we eat first with our eyes.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dress of the Day, 24 June, 2010.

I would so appreciate 2-3 extra hours in my day today and tomorrow. It feels like there's an impossible amount to get through. Better get my skates on and give it a red-hot go! Have a lovely day! xo

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lust for Litter.

I've been a crazed Litter fan for a couple of years now, so it was with great awe that I discovered they are now doing Litter Man. Generally, I loath jewels on men.... mostly because I've never seen a gem-wearing man who, in my eyes, pulled the look off sufficiently. They always look try-hard/creepy/bogan (extreme generalization, I know, but, a doll's gotta speak the truth, right?) The exception, in my opinion, is Giancarlo Giametti, who wears a stack of bracelets with a nonchalant, piss-elegance that makes me weep.

THIS is different, and its actually with a sorrowful, little heart that I even speak of their greatness on this humble blog, as I've been keeping them as one of my most awesome secrets. Right up there with my extensive plans for world domination...

Isn't this gorgeous? It's so masculine, with inflections of Americana (Easy Rider etc etc), and I just adore them!!

I LOVE LITTERRRRRRRR!!!!! I also love men, but thats another post entirely.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dress of the Day 22 June, 2010

This was a UK Vogue cover from a couple of years ago. My jaw hit the floor when I saw it and it was on my wall before the mag was even opened. Wishing you all a glamorous day!

More souvenirs

Gosh Darnit! This picture blog!! Makes other picture blogs!! Look crap!!  Souvenirs