Friday, March 5, 2010

Pictures for Mel.

This doll is very grateful for the awesome mates I have to share this thing, 'Life', with.
I met Mel at Suger Coat It when we were 12 years old. Renewing our friendship via the blogging community has been such a sweet surprise for both of us. 
You have been so kind to me, helping me with my blog, being a little 'art director', and being a 'new found' friend - when we were actually always there. It amazes me.
So my dear Mel, these are some pretty pictures gathered for you,  in thanks and friendship.
Love Ri xoxo


  1. Oh, what a lovely tribute! I loved the pictures too! Thanks (and thanks to YOU, Mel!!)

  2. What beautiful photos and I love Mel's blog - I'm sure she's an amazing friend!

  3. I have been dying to visit and see my little surprise since you text'ed me Friday. ZERO reception meant I had to wait until now... and wow! So. Worth The. Wait!

    My love right back at you. And I am so hapy we reconnected.
