Thursday, April 15, 2010

200 posts or sumfink or nuffink

Wally de Backer put this on his Gotye blog, so naturally, doing everything he says or even insinuates, I had to put it on mine too.
Think it nicely sums up what I aim to achieve with this blog (as I seem to have made it to 200 posts) and to celebrate the 'jibber jabber' that I hope brightens all your days my dear readers. Plus - its a great tune to sing as you go about your chores. xo


  1. Congratulations on 200 beautiful posts xx

  2. Congrats on 200 posts. Love popping in for the latest Last Doll viewings.

  3. Oh by the way. Nice new colour banner.

  4. Thankyou, thankyou both of you!
    Kakka - Mel @ Suger Coat It did the banner and made my adornment button. She is a dear friend of mine.
    Love to you both xoxo

  5. Congrats on 200..! Wow wee. That's a massive effort. Loving every installment. Happy that you allow me to be part of it... Stoked. Excited. So damn grateful. You know, happy.
