Friday, April 9, 2010

Adornment from the high-priestess of blogging.

Darling Mel over at home base aka Suger Coat It has done her adornment experiment and I'm honoured to post it here.

There is only one piece (two if you want to be particular as they are separate but together, you know, well maybe you don't but you will, read on) of jewelery that goes everywhere with me. That I love above all others. That means more to me than anything else in my collection. My wedding band and engagement ring. The killer combo. They are soooo me. Personalised. A perfect reflection of the moments in time that they arrived. A symbol beyond anything I thought I would buy in to. I guess I just didn't get the power of the symbolism. I didn't expect to feel any different.

But I did.

I felt loved, wanted, desired, captured, comforted, labelled and like I was a chapter in the history of someones life. In someone else's family. That I mattered. And of course, my rings are pretty. Very pretty. Haha! Such a girl thing to say. You see I look down sometimes and my rings remind me of all those things. And of the look on my Hubby's face the day I walked down the aisle. And the look he gave me just the day before in exasperation that I still, after all these years, refuse to start the mower myself. The entire world of our relationship is right there. It's not the basis of it but they are a space keeper of sorts.

And I can be a little disloyal to my beloved. There. I said it. You see just the other day I looked at a friends brand new, sparkley (massive) engagement ring and was a little jealous. Who wouldn't want a carat or two of diamond? And I joked with hubby that it certainly shows that we were barely twenty when we got engaged. My rings are beautiful. One of a kind. Unique. But two carats of diamond it is not. And you know what, I love that.

So there it is. An insight. My favourite piece of adornment.

So that's from the darling, and there seems to be some interest in making it a weekly/as often as you like thing on this blog and I fully endorse that, so we will see what we can do about a button... whatever a button is.
I'm making headpieces and arm and leg pieces at present (just an excuse to get more adornment on my person) and would love feedback....

Happy Friday and weekend to you all, and another huge thankyou to Mel. xo


  1. Hahaha. I will wear my new title proudly. Am posting ring pics soon and will sort out your buttom type stuff this weekend. Excited..?

  2. YEAH!!! I AM ACTUALLY!! And Hi Megan! xoxo
