Monday, July 5, 2010

The Undesirable Day From Hell.

Hmmmm. Yes. That would be correct if I was sitting in a room full of similarly glitter-faced, red-stockinged, deranged-looking folk, but as I'm here on my own, I must deduce that I'm the only one who fell down the rabbit hole today. Today? Who am I kidding? How about the majority of days of my life?
Today has been so entirely mind-snapping that I can scarcely believe I've almost made it home and into the bath without having one of those weird, frightened crying jags - you know the ones where you cry really hard, really quickly and do those little gaspy, hiccup things.
Awoke feeling odd; flustered from the start, and after consulting with sis, realized that my computer probably had a virus on it and needed to go to the doctor immediately. Lester, the doctor, has an office out towards Darra (suburb of Brisbane), and despite eventually making it there and back, I have no idea where the hell it is. It looked straightforward on the map. Like, literally in a straight line then off to the left, but after going halfway to flipping Ipswich I was forced to admit that I may have missed my exit. I was eventually pointed back onto the highway by a group of helpful council workers after I pulled over, got out of the car clutching my refedex and we all discussed most passionately the general 'strife' being caused to Doll's trying to get to Darra due to the highway upgrade. Government and council sufficiently condemned, and directions being clutched in my brain, I hopped back aboard Starship Enterprises and actually made it to Lester's where he told me to 'leave it with me'. That never, ever predicts good things.
I then scored every red light between Darra and uni (after paying an exorbitant amount for fuel used in my journey to and from Ipswich), where I had 2 coffees and wrote for almost 6 hours straight.
I'm going to attempt to get home and into bed without any other debacles, and then welcome the new day with all the bluff I can muster.
Goodnight, and good luck to all.


  1. Hugs to you my lovely one. You'll get through it magnificently xx

  2. Awww Ri. You and your misadventures.

    Sorry to hear about the 'puter, it's s shame when they are sick (or worse, gone... Which I hope yours isn't).

    Darra... Argh. I went there once, wasn't fun. There was footy involved, gosh knows why I was there.

    Coffee soon ok!?
