Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Christmas to my 222

Hi All,
I want to wish my dear followers a very happy and joyous Christmas.

I've had the worst week. I have a part-time retail job; and I'd pretty much rather die than admit how absolutely awful it's been this lead-up to Christmas.
Dear customers: If you throw it, or swear, or it doesn't fit you, or you're drunk, or you're stressed, or you're broke: I still have to deal with you're tantrums and guess what: I HATE IT. You've killed Christmas for me.

Numerous tears later, in the toilets, I forced myself to take stock.
I wasn't born here. Nor do I have to fight for my life. My sanity is my own. My family all live. We have stuff. Food. A bed. Beloved is safe and well; and IN MY LIFE. It might sound a bit 'Jolie', but I'm well off. I'm one of the lucky ones.

So, this Christmas, I'm going to be grateful for what I do have; and fear less, what I still need to create for myself, and my loved ones.

A trip to my spiritual home is on the cards, as is the on-going creation of the New World with my Beloved.

Thankyou all, for following, and commenting. For reading my bloody rants.
Happy Christmas.
Your Doll.


  1. Well said! And a very merry christmas to you too :)

  2. I hope your Christmas Day was wonderful and you could forget all about the negative & horrible customers. I know how awful people can be sometimes. I try so hard to focus on the wonderful people instead!!

    Wishing you a wonderful New Year as well.

    ~ Clare x

  3. Three years ago I worked in retail during Christmas, I totally understand how you feel. As bad as it was, I think it has made me stronger. Happy New Year! ♥

  4. I worked in retail for ten years I completely empathise! x
